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Business DSL

  • $89.95 - per month, up to 3 Megabit download speed 512 Kilobit upload speed, includes all taxes and surcharges.
  • One year service agreement may be required.
  • $150 activation fee includes everything you need.
  • Static IP address included at no additional charge.
  • DSL modem/router (if needed).
  • Professional installation.
  • No busy signals. You can use your phone and be online at the same time.
  • Local technicians that can fix problems quickly.
  • Landline phone service not required. It doesn't matter which phone company you have, or if you don't have a landline phone at all, as long as DSL is available at your address.

Richmond, Indiana
and parts of Wayne County


Phone: 765.962.3770
Toll Free: 888.962.3770